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Dihydromyricetin in New Zealand

Dihydromyricetin in New Zealand flag to show its legal status.

Is Dihydromyricetin legal to buy in New Zealand?

It is indeed! DHM is legal to buy in New Zealand and Australia. While we weren’t able to find out Dihydromyricetin’s specific categorisation from NZ Government’s Medsafe board, it is available from several Kiwi brands based within the island that are registered companies and comply with trading standards.

Is it legal to import DHM into New Zealand?

Yes, there’s no restrictions on importing dihydromyricetin in New Zealand from the UK or US. With that said, New Zealand customs can be overly strict and sensitive, and this can sometimes delay items getting delivered as fast as in other countries. DHM caps and powder are substantially more expensive in NZ than other countries, and while you’ll save significantly (upwards of 75% based on the brands we found headquartered in Christchurch even after shipping), be warned that when ordering from abroad customs inspections are slow and can add a week or so’s delay to quoted transit times.

Where to find cheap Dihydromyricetin in New Zealand?

Unfortunately due to the economics of NZ life, buying it from abroad is about a quarter of the price of the big local brands like Hundy and you can save big when buying it from the UK / EU.

For a quick comparison: We sell 400mg DHM caps for ~$0.88 NZD each, whereas each 300mg pill from Hundy costs $4.48 NZD (as of writing, August 2022). Assuming 2-4 caps on a night out twice a week, that’s $36-72 in savings each month.

We use certified pharma grade ≥98% purity Dihydromyricetin in our products, and ship in resealable packets of 50 capsules since we know taking up to 1.5g is clinically safe and shows greater efficacy in reducing hangovers in heavier drinkers and those who suffer worse hangovers.

We recommend getting Dihydromyricetin caps here.

